My purpose to write this blog is like a replacement or a diary for me..but its more to public and everybody can see it..normally how does ppl think the title for their blog or wat to write..some like to write wat happen on their daily life and for some, when there are special occasion happen, they only write it..but for me..hahaha its kinda weird..i only can think the title for my blog when i was lay on bed and its like near the time for me to sleep at night time..the moment i lay down, i will think lots of thing..but, when i wake up, mostly i will forgot what i want to write..its sometimes when i lay down and i find the topic i want to write, i will go to on my lappy and start, its weird right..haha =)
hehe, i will choose the item that make me write the blog as the title of my blog. for it is the key item to remember in the blog