My uni life seen coming to the 3 years life at here which give me a lot of good memory, bad memory, soon will coming to the end.. after this, i will enter the society and gonna work in order to continue my life.. i had been through alot of sweet and sour life here, where every sem i need to worry that i will get kick to other college or not.. where there are stupid spot check at night to check your room got 'illegal' item or not.. i still remember there is one sem that there is a rumor that there will be spot check at midnight.. they say that we will get summon for each book that we photocopy.. then we all so scare and hide our books everywhere.. that time me and my roommate hide it under the drain.. hahahaha.. so stupid both of us.. we cover the book with plastic bag and put under the drain.. then my roommate hide his rice cooker at the tree nearby.. how stupid both of us.. that is very memorable experience.. last time when we are around sem 1 and 2, we 10 people will go out together, especially to alor star.. we will rent 2 car and together drive to there.. but now, after all of us had been kick to different college, this habit is no more.. now mostly if we are going out to changlun, it would be around me, dailou, saiko, sm and maybe wen hao only.. but thats good.. don need to see other people 'face' and need to persuade them.. especially this sem.. me, saiko and dailou is going crazy.. can be suddenly say want go to changlun, then we will direct go take bus and go there.. how crazy we are.. especially going to sing K.. last time dailou keep say me always ignore him when he talk to me.. hahahaha.. pai seh ya.. i was playing game and din concentrate to what you say and also pai seh ah, keep using your room to play dota.. :P ..but this sem after move to MAS college, both of us seen to become close.. so suprise!!.. last sem also the sem where i spend alot especially going to travel, sing K.. last time if ask me go changlun, i sure say don want.. but now, looks like i change alot.. all memory will be buried under our brain and this is what makes all of us growing mature.. honestly i would say that, it is really enjoyable and very fun to go around with friends with you and can keep gossip about other people.. after all of us leave this uni to persuade their career, i think that time all of us will getting lesser to contact each other.. we will always getting new friends no matter in what condition.. but it is how we judge either they are just 'hi and bye' friends or best friends.. im sure i will very miss my uni life when im going out from here.. my lecturer did say, uni life is where we enjoy the most.. he did hit the nail on the head.. i will miss all of you..
My Life
This would be my diary =)
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I got an invitation from my friends to go to Hatyai this coming friday.. but im very busy this weekend as well as next week because of my japanese class assignment.. i got oral test this coming sunday, presentation this coming monday and a drama on this coming thursday.. i havent complete my group assignment for my strategic class.. so i tell him i cannot go.. the answer he give me is,
It's useless to point out so many excuses! It's all about the sincerity! If u r true friend, u won't hv to find so many excuses. Got it?
i got shock..seriously i never expect this answer will coming from your must understand that foreign language especially japanese in UUM is very troublesome and alot thing to i need give so many "excuses" just to reject your invitation?..guess your mind still kid..still have lame thinking..hope you will grow mature in the future..
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Optimum Age
Hmm..very amusing title isn't it?..hehe..what i mean is your mature you feel yourself mature?..mature enough until what you think is over the age that you suppose to be? to measure your maturity?..i also dont know..i just feel that everyday, my thinking is getting mature from time to time..for example, when your small, you used to play cook-cook (masak-masak), then now you take a moment and think back, why you would play that time? you think its childish game?..i guess thats how you measure your maturity or your optimum age..
of course when im with my friend, i'm always act myself without any pretend..even to my dear also, im always myself..but for some people, they tend to care their imagine so they will put dunno how many layer of mask at their face until bullet also cannot gone through..maybe when with our close friends, you only will act yourself but when your working time, this cannot need learn how to put thousand of mask so that you can backstab people and learn how to resist their backstab..human really cruel :P
but of course there are some cases where you will pretend..hehe like when you being approach by someone or you approach them, you will pretend to your very small gas person, but when you approach someone, surely you wont show your extreme bad attitude/personality to will pretend that you very good like the only perfect person in this world..isnt it?
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Activities of Me
After so long dint update my blog and my friend keep asking me to update it, i will try update this but don expect much :P
There are so many thing happen around me since my last update of my blog. There are sad, happy, excited and busyness. Perhaps I would say that as our life because we need to got through all of this when we are going through our life of journey, where my friends pass away, busyness of my assignment, planning for the travel with my friends, boringness on my bed and frustrating of exam. thats my life and i slowly accept it and i believe you all also face this problem. When we small, we never think about this stuff. We just happily go though our life without any frustration. Wake up, go school, finish school, play games, dinner and sleep. Thats my life when i'm a primary and secondary student. How nice that time and now everything is changed. Life getting tough as we getting older. after this we all will go to work and that time, more stress will likely visit us.
Yesterday me and my friends go to Sungai Petani to release our stress. I guess the trip quite success and everybody so enjoy it, just too bad, their mall is not so good as i expected but what can do, i very long time din go to SP de. Now just left around 2 month to enjoy my life as student and play around with my friends. Then all will go on to their life since our practicum will start at 1st of June. i guess, we will very hard to meet at that time. perhaps that time everybody will get new friends at their work place and we all will dump our old friends?..maybe..thats life..we meet new friends and old will slowly forget. maybe one day when we meet around the street, we wont recognize each other anymore.
now, continues with my almost 5 month de we attach each other..cant imagine huh..hahaha..when i put my status in r/s in facebook, everybody say that we wont together more than 3 month..but we manage to make it..woohoooo..suprise ya..hehehe..our life is going very normal since we cant meet each other..what can do..LDR is like that..and maybe when start my practicum, i will stay at dear house?..still cant decide yet since still quite long to reach my practicum date..recently i keep surf people blog because i'm so boring at my room..there are many stories that happen around them too..its really nice to read their story of life but too bad, most of my friends blog are in can see pictures and thats i need go search for the english one to read..most of them talk about their love lady gaga song, no matter gay straight bi lesbian transgendered life, they all also human..cause they were born this way..really meaningful song ya..even for a homo, they still point for us to discriminate them because they 'special'..if you are them, and you get discriminate by your friends, do you like the feeling?..

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Sunday, March 6, 2011
watch it and you will know why its shingz!! i copy this post from some bloggers..
in this video former beauty queen 2009, Ris Low of Singapore teach us on how to use a condom to practice safe sex!
first of all, once she opened her mouth, any stimulated dick will also die off immediately cos her england is soshingz!
at 0:25, she say SSSSSSSSS as SAFE SEX. she cant even pronounce safe sex padahal teach safe sex, nevermind!! i believe action speak louder than words.. takpe takpe.. sabar...
at 1:00, the condom that she was trying to fit it on the Largest Banana flew off! hahahaah.... damn sohai la.. i can imagine the bf and her wanna have sex also take 30 minutes to wear that rubber!! hahahahahah
she say wanna give tip to guys on how to remove the condom, omgg she nearly tore the banana skin! hahaha.. just imagine a cut on the penis! yikes!!
somemore say that must peel it off when the dick hard and erected, if the dick died edi then no need to remove is it? then have to peel sumore, you dicks got so much skin for you to peel arr? siao!!
and what the hell is make sure the sperm dont get to you? sperm can see meh? cb!!
and its not very disgusting lor, if its so disgusting then dont have sex la.. go home and sleep!! ok?!!
the funniest part is she doenst even know how to tie a condom and sumore can say throw it away somewhere! omg!! thats so irresponsible and dirty you stupid bitch!!
the ultimate move is at 3:00, and that traumatize guys alot.. thats why all become gay cos guys wont break dicks..
first of all, once she opened her mouth, any stimulated dick will also die off immediately cos her england is soshingz!
at 0:25, she say SSSSSSSSS as SAFE SEX. she cant even pronounce safe sex padahal teach safe sex, nevermind!! i believe action speak louder than words.. takpe takpe.. sabar...
at 1:00, the condom that she was trying to fit it on the Largest Banana flew off! hahahaah.... damn sohai la.. i can imagine the bf and her wanna have sex also take 30 minutes to wear that rubber!! hahahahahah
she say wanna give tip to guys on how to remove the condom, omgg she nearly tore the banana skin! hahaha.. just imagine a cut on the penis! yikes!!
somemore say that must peel it off when the dick hard and erected, if the dick died edi then no need to remove is it? then have to peel sumore, you dicks got so much skin for you to peel arr? siao!!
and what the hell is make sure the sperm dont get to you? sperm can see meh? cb!!
and its not very disgusting lor, if its so disgusting then dont have sex la.. go home and sleep!! ok?!!
the funniest part is she doenst even know how to tie a condom and sumore can say throw it away somewhere! omg!! thats so irresponsible and dirty you stupid bitch!!
the ultimate move is at 3:00, and that traumatize guys alot.. thats why all become gay cos guys wont break dicks..
Friday, March 4, 2011
If ur the person who frequent read newspaper, i sure u will know about the incident happen at my uni recently which causes 2 of my fren pass away and 1 more still in hospital recovering..on that day, i was sleep in the morning around 8am..then suddenly my fren call me and asking one of my fren phone number..i still at half awake and dunno anything, din ask him about what happen and just give him..then when i wake up, i saw facebook write that there are accident happen at my front of my uni hotel..then i go ask my fren and they say is my fren..i was very shock..i really hope that the person that involve in the accident is not my fren..but the facts is still the facts..we cant change everything..its not like we're in games world..with alot of skill to cast and can resurrect the dead..last wednesday, on 2/3/11, is the funeral day of them..there are 2 funeral site, but since there are too much on SP, so we go to penang one..the mother really cry very badly..even her bf also same..i cant do anything..just stand there and watch..and we sing her 3 song, and it really makes the atmosphere really down..especially when the part her bodies is burn and her sibling and fren all cried very loud..i experience it before so i know how sad is that situation..the incident still remain unknown and i heard my fren say that the person that crash them is run away..if really his wrong, i really hope there are justice to punish him..
i really hope all people that read my blog, learn how to appreciate what u have now..ur family, frens and even ur partner..we dont know what will happen to us every second..the world is getting scary from time to time..i dont want upload any pic or news regarding my fren at here to respect them..
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Sorry sorry sorry for not writing in the blog past few month..haha..reason?..erm..should i say as nothing to write?..haha maybe i'm busy in my assignment and other stuff since this would be my last sem (hopefully)..haha the assignment keep coming and coming..mostly ppl will enjoy their last sem but it seen that i more busy than others..well maybe that the price i need to pay for short chinese new year already finish..same as well to holiday..this coming 2 month will very busy as i need to go 6 times for practical as well as my seminar paper that need to do a research where i need to go USM and IntI college<-- still not confirm, for interview the international student..maybe it will happen on mid of march..i'm getting less and less time to go back my home..well i miss the penang food, family, friends and hehe my dear..
well lets update my condition in my new hostel..overall i will judge it as not bad but it just very far from the cafe and less place to hang my roommate is fine..he's good..but my floor de resident, i not dare say is good..its just like i'm a stranger that stay at that floor..and i forgot all their name de..hahaha..that y i dunno who are them sometimes..hehe maybe that makes them feel i'm feel "dao"?..but i also dont care..i just stay for few month then adios..
after my fren is being separate to different hostel, some thing is started change..erm i would say that as we're not going out together de..every ppl also have their own fren and start making it as feels like ur group go this way while the other go other way..sometimes even when ur with them, u also can feel ur get abandon especially when they are with their group..everything is change now..when practical also will get to know new fren, maybe that what ppl said u will get fren even when ur in new environment..
i guess thats all for this time..tataz..
P/S my dear say want go bangkok with me this coming december..hehe..consider it as first time travel oversea with dear? :P oh ya..Lady GaGa Born This Way is rocks!!
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